Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Started a little soon...

Just to claim my blog name, I'll make a quick post about the upcoming Teradata Partners 2006 conference:

This year's Partners conference will be held at the Swan and Dolphin in Disney World, FL, for the second consequtive year -- that's how Teradata Partners is run, though: 2 years east, 2 years west.

Exciting news for this year is that the company I work for will be presenting two different sessions. (1) Our director and former Teradata-guy, Joe Federer, will be presenting with data warehousing guru, Steven Probst, about our endeavors to transform our former data mart strategy into a full fledge enterprise data warehouse. (2) I'll personally be presenting a session on recursive SQL, based on and extending an article that should be published in 3Q2006 edition of Teradata Magazine.

After all the positive feedback I got from blogging Informatica World 2006, I'm looking forward to blogging the even bigger Teradata Partners 2006 conference.

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